Burg Giebichenstein Universal of Art and Design Halle
1973 – 1979: study Painting and History of Art at Stuttgart State
Academy of Art and Design, University of Stuttgart and Royal
College of Art in London.
• 1985 – 1995: Freelance Painter
• 1996–2019: Professor at Art Faculty, Burg Giebichenstein University
of Art and Design Halle/Germany.
• 2001–2003: Pro-rector at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and
Design Halle/Germany
• 2003–2010: Rector at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and
Design Halle/Germany
• 2000: Guest Professor at the University of Industrial Design
• 2010: Workshop at the University of Industrial Design
• 2012–2014: Guest Professor at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and
the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in Shenyang/China
• 2015: Workshop at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Ton Duc Thang
University/Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam
• 2015 -2019: Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Ton Duc
Thang University/Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam
• From 2015 to now: Annual Workshop at Institut de formation de
I’Éducation nationale/ Luxembourg
• 2016: Guest Professor at Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, Wuhan/China
and the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Shenyang/China
• 2017: Guest Professor at the Renmin University of
China/Peking/China and workshop at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Ton
Duc Thang University/Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam
• 2018: Workshop at the Toho High School/Nagoya/Japan
• From 2019 to now: Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Ton Duc
Thang University/Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam
• From 2019 to now: Teaching at Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ/Linz/
• November 2022: Workshop at HCMC University of Fine
• May 2023: Workshop at KuArt International Education Consulting
Group LLC/Beijing/China
• Books on Art and Teaching
1. Wege zum Bild (Paths to Pictures), 2007
2. Die Linie (The Line), 2009
3. Plastische Übungen in der künstlerischen Lehre
(Plastic exercises in Artistic Teaching), 2014
4. Improvisieren: Künstlerische Übungen mit fast nichts
(Improvising: Artistic exercises with almost nothing), 2016
5. Kopfporträt (Portraits), 2019
• 2014: “Integration” at City Hall Hongkong
• 2016: at Haus des Buches in Leipzig, Germany
• 2019: “Reportagen” at Burg Gallery in Volkspark, Halle (Saale),
• 2021: “Station” at ABTART Gallery in Stuttgart, Germany
• August 2024: at KuArt Gallery in Beijing, China
