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Professor, Board of Director

JID Japan Interior Designers' Association


Mr. Koji Sakai is the Director of Sia-furniture, Japan. Concept "SIA×DESIGN=HAPPINESS" Create the feeling, not the shapes. SIA is a design unit with the motto, "SIA×DESIGN=HAPPINESS", try to create comfortable, convenient and pleasant things.

Mr. Koji Sakai is also on the Board of Directors of the Japan Interior Designers' Association (JID). JID was founded in 1958 as a national association to represent the interests of interior designers in Japan. Since then, JID has been dealing with the professional, cultural, and legal interests of the interior design profession supporting and promoting the realization of modern design.

The full membership consists of the individual designers who practice interior design and interior product design as well as the researchers engaged in the field of interior design. The supporting membership includes the organizations, companies, design schools and institutes relevant to the field of interior design who wish to contribute to the goals of the association. The objectives of the association are to contribute to social well-being by looking for common solutions to make better living environments and to enhance the social recognition of the importance of interior design.

To this end, JID has been exchanging ideas and experiences and trying to strengthen social solidarity between the individuals and the organizations nationally as well as internationally in order to establish the recognition, methods, and technique to meet the common goals as the professional organization. JID has taken its role as a member of global society participating positively in international activities and voicing itself on issues concerted. and will continue to do its part striving towards the objectives raised through a range of activities and with the recognition and responsibilities as a national organization.



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